Technical Reference

Core settings

Core settings are configured during the initialization phase of the OTC market. In this section, we will review all the required parameters needed to set up the OTC market.

OTC market constructor parameters

In order to set un the Bakstag OTC market, the next parameters are needed to be provided:

  • NativeDecimals: The number of decimals used by the native currency in the chain, where OTC market exists.
  • Treasury: The treasury account address.
  • Endpoint: Layer Zero endpoint address
  • Delegate: The initial delegate of the OTC market

Delegate authority

The delegate serves as an administrator of the OTC market, with the authority to modify its settings. Specifically, the delegate can:

  • Update treasury: Change the treasury address.
  • LayerZero configuration: Add or remove other OTC markets with which this OTC market can exchange the offers. Update EnforcedOptions and use other functionality, required for proper work of LayerZero protocol.

In the future, delegate will be able to affect the protocol fee.

Transaction Time